In the world of business, there are 2 ways to influence human behavior: inspire or manipulate. Many companies use manipulation to elicit the desired behavior: they offer discounts, give away free products, create scarcity, and add celebrity endorsements or other gimmicks to get people to buy their products and services. However, these kinds of psychological manipulations do not create long-lasting relationships with customers and they certainly don’t build trust or loyalty. In contrast, the most effective business practices are those that start with why and communicate from within. These businesses attract and retain a group of true fans who are willing to pay more for their product or service than the competition, even when they do not have the same features or benefits.
Leadership expert Simon Sinek believes that great leaders and organizations understand their purpose, cause, or belief. He calls this the “start with why” and it is what makes them successful and influential. He explains this concept through a model called the Golden Circle and uses examples such as Southwest Airlines, Apple, and Harley-Davidson to support his points.
Starting with Why: The Key to Building a Purpose-Driven Business
According to Sinek, the best way to gain followers is by inspiring them with a message that unites a group around a common goal or cause. He argues that this is what Martin Luther King, for example, did. Sinek claims that finding the “why” is easy, but keeping it in mind is hard and requires discipline to stay true to one’s beliefs and values, even when others tell you to change your direction (Steve Jobs for example). Those who are able to do this are genuine leaders and they make a difference in the world.