Solar Panels Price – Factors That Affect the Price of Solar Panels

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Just like the price of cars, bedsheets, and just about any other consumer product, solar panels’ price varies by brand. However, most manufacturers see similar cost ranges for the same system sizes (typically 6 kW systems).

Another big factor in solar panels price is how much electricity you consume per day and how many panels are necessary to offset that consumption with clean energy. Fortunately, the amount of electricity you use is easy to determine by reviewing your past energy bills or talking with a trusted solar contractor.

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The amount of sunlight you receive also impacts how many solar panels are needed to meet your electricity needs. Fortunately, this is easy to determine by looking at the average daily peak sunshine in your state and talking to a local solar expert.

Additionally, your electricity rates – which vary by state – are an important consideration when thinking about going solar as they can significantly extend or shorten your payback period. This is because the higher your utility rates are, the more your solar system will save you on those costs.

The prices reflected in this article come from EnergySage’s marketplace and are before any available federal or state tax credits. The cost of your solar system will also depend on the size of your home, whether or not you choose to install a battery, and if you want to offset all your electricity usage or just a portion of it.

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