A credit reporting lawyers specializes in helping people correct errors on their credit reports. Credit report information is used by credit card companies, mortgage companies, banks, insurance companies, department stores, cellular phone companies and many other businesses to make decisions about you. A credit report may also be used by employers to decide whether to hire you or to pay you a salary, and by landlords to determine whether to rent you an apartment or home.
A lawyer can help you understand your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and can file a lawsuit against the credit bureaus or those that supply inaccurate information to them, such as creditors or debt collectors. These lawyers can also sue for damages if you have suffered harm from the errors, such as denial of employment or loans, a lowered credit score or damage to your reputation.
Navigating Credit Reporting Challenges: How Credit Reporting Lawyers Can Protect Your Financial Reputation
The credit reporting lawyers featured here have extensive experience handling FCRA cases against the major credit bureaus, as well as against creditors and other entities that violate consumer protection laws. They have a proven track record of success in winning large verdicts and settlements.
The credit attorneys at Boss Law are based in Florida and focus on representing clients with disputes against their credit reports. The firm’s attorneys are backed by more than 20 years of combined legal experience. It offers a free telephone evaluation of your case and does not charge any fees unless it wins your case. It has successfully litigated hundreds of FCRA cases in state and federal courts.